Believe In Yourself “Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.” We have so many incredibly talented athletes within our organization and that come in for lessons who are determined, strong, diligent, and smart! BUT they are holding themselves back with their mental game. Somewhere along the way of their softball journey, they lost their …
Tag Archive: coaching a female athlete
Don’t Pout! The Selfish Athlete
Don’t Pout! The Selfish Athlete “You can’t be a smart cookie with a crumbly attitude!” Selfish athletes? Do you have them on your team? Do you have players who pout, complain, and disrupt your team dynamic? Unfortunately, there is always an athlete who is selfish and sadly, it causes a much bigger problem within the …
Who is she playing for? “You have to know that you are good enough and worth it. Once you master belief in yourself no one can steal that love from you.” Who is your athlete playing for? Is she playing for herself, or is she playing for you, her parent, coach, or mentor? It is …
I Don’t Fit the Mold
I Don’t Fit the Mold “Don’t follow someone else’s way, find what works for you and stick to it.” Fitting in is easy for some and hard for others. We have young athletes who want to have the coolest clothes, makeup, shoes, games, and so forth, not necessarily because they like those materialistic things, but …
The Next Level
The Next Level “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all love for what you are doing or learning to do.” Getting to the next level is not easy. It is easily said, written down, and talked about, but when your athlete actually starts gaining experience on …
I AM CAPABLE OF GREATNESS “Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is only for the chosen few-for the superstars. The truth is greatness is for us all. This is not about lowering expectations; it’s about raising them for every last one of us. Greatness is not in one special place, and it’s not in …
Wanting and Doing the Best for your Athletes
Wanting and Doing the Best for your Athletes “The greatest success we’ll know is helping others succeed and grow.” Coaching is not always easy, sometimes it can be extremely difficult, but as a coach it is our responsibility to do our absolute best to prepare our athletes for each at-bat, situation, pitch, game, tournament, and …
Resting Time is Valued Time
Resting Time is Valued Time “Sometimes making progress means taking rest days.” Many of us athletes, coaches, and parents push our athletes and ourselves to the limit. We keep playing, practicing, and training every single day. We take private lessons, gym sessions, and nutrition to the next level so that we take our performance in …
Complain As Much As You Want…
Complain As Much As You Want… “Be stronger than your strongest excuse.” Excuses, drama, lack of respect, crossing boundaries, responsibility, and honesty are just a few of the core areas we lack in sports due to many situations and differences in personalities, beliefs, and values. We have parents and players who complain, whine, yell, create …
Reset the Mindset
Reset the Mindset “Over thinking, the art of creating problems that weren’t even there.” Our biggest competitor is not the team on the other side of the field, but our own mind; our thoughts, emotions, and attitude. When our athletes make a mistake, many of them are so incredibly competitive that they get overly emotional. …
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