


Together, Everyone Achieves More


“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.”

Teamwork isn’t easy and it is not only about the athletes on the team. There’s a vast amount of politics that goes into the sport, difference in personalities, different likes and dislikes among the team, coaches, and parents, and a great amount of bitterness that can take place when things don’t go as each individual expected.

Expectations can be harsh on you and your athletes if they aren’t realistic, respected, and understood. They can also cause scenes, tension, and frustration if not everyone is on the same page, as I’m sure you have witnessed or have gone through yourself!

If you are struggling with teamwork, you have to look into the root of the issue, the truth in the situation, and to communicate respectfully. Ask questions, be realistic, set goals that are challenging yet attainable, and communicate! It is extremely important that coaches, parents, and athletes are on the same page with the same goals. If you aren’t working together, the progressive state of your team, athletic performance, and goals will not be reached!

Start communicating, building strong relationships among the team, and start setting realistic goals and expectations that challenge your team and athletes in helping them reach their highest potential!





“Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intension, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see the obstacles as opportunities.”

Written by Nikoli Sharp

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